Volunteer With Us

Looking to get your hands dirty? Join our Stewcrew! We host work parties every Thursday morning on our trails and preserves. The projects could be work on existing trails with Luke Thombs, the Trails Manager, or work on the stewardship of the preserves with Natalie Curry, the Stewardship Manager. Trail projects include lopping back and clearing vegetation, building of bridges and boardwalks, clearing new sections of trail that are under development, etc. Stewardship Projects include boundary marking, introduced species control, pruning native species, and other nature preserve upkeep, etc. It’s a great chance to meet your neighbors and steward the trails and preserves that our mid-coast community enjoys.
Location: Varies each week across our portfolio of preserves and trails.
Times: Stewcrew is 9-12, every Thursday morning. Stewcrew After Hours is 5-7, every Tuesday evening.

Become A Trail Monitor
With 70 miles of trails and 21 Preserves to look after, we are always in need of extra sets of eyes. The role of a Trail Monitor is to get out on a trail or preserve once every three weeks or after a severe storm and send a quick update. That's right, volunteer for us by hiking/running/biking our trails! You can sign up for a favorite preserve or trail near you or be assigned one that needs more attention.

Become a Land Monitor
When we claim that we “protect lands forever,” we mean it. Georges River Land Trust cares for the lands in our trust with the help of stewardship monitors, year after year.
Land monitors provide annual monitoring of farms, scenic sites, historic places, woodlands and shorefront properties that we hold as conservation easements. You’ll work with our staff and landowners and learn about the intricacies of the conservation process.